Monday, July 20, 2009

The "Don'ts" of Today

Don't oversleep.
Don't forget to take a shower.
Don't walk out the door without your apron--again.
"Don't you dare run over me, gigantic Dodge Ram."
Don't yell at your boss.
Don't be even mildly sarcastic.
Don't not help out.
Don't go to the bathroom.
Don't yell at your boss.
Don't get upset--you're new.
Don't drink the Pepsi, have a glass of water first.
Don't eat a ruben, have smoked turkey and mustard.
Don't sit here too long, you get paid by the hour.
Don't stare.
Don't check your text message.
Don't stare.
Don't ask him where he's from.
Do offer fudge samples.
Don't give them too much, it's just a sample.
Don't answer that phone call.
Don't be passive aggressive.
Don't be upset with her, she's trying to be helpful. She's making it worse--but she's trying.
Don't linger.
Don't try to get hit by the truck.
Don't forget to go to the grocery store.
Don't buy the cupcakes.
Don't buy the cupcakes.
Don't buy the cupcakes.
Okay, you can buy one beer if you promise to share it.
Don't forget to share.
Don't overcook the tortellini.
Don't flirt with him.
Well, don't do it again.
Don't answer that phone call.
Don't go to sleep. It's too early.
Don't stay up too late, you have to work in the morning.
Don't blog. You have nothing to say.
Don't say anything incriminating.

Help! I need some positivity. I am in need of a day of power.

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